

Come to Tea! 

At the beginning of each semester, the Agora Society welcomes all members of the Wellesley College community to attend our Open House event. We invite and encourage anyone to attend this event to get to know our organization better, even if you aren’t interested in joining our society.

The members of Agora welcome all students who have completed at least one semester at Wellesley to apply for membership. If you are interested in joining our society, you are required to partake in the process of “teaing.” Historically, Wellesley College organizations have hosted teas as a way to come together and form a community outside of the classroom. Specific times and dates of our teas will be released on our Instagram, @agorasociety. You do not need to apply to Agora to attend our tea season events, all are welcome! To be eligible to apply to Agora, you must have spent at least one complete semester enrolled at Wellesley.


As the political society, we discuss current political matters at our weekly meetings. Each semester we choose a specific charity that is related to our central theme for that year, and as a society, we dedicate personal time to take action in the community through fundraising, spreading awareness, hosting lectures, and providing services to those in need. Based on our commitment to turning thought into action, Agora seeks candidates who are passionate about politics as well as those willing to make a difference. Together, we work to provide a creative and positive environment that promotes teamwork alongside individual initiative. 

1. Come to our Open House. Doing so will give you a chance to meet the current members, gain a better understanding of what do, and receive more information about the society itself.

2. Attend the teas. While requirements of attendance change year to year, attendance at these teas will allow the members to get to know you.

3. Complete the written application and the project. Together, they will give members insight into your political passions, general interests, and creative genius. Express yourself!



What’s the point of teaing?

Agora hosts teas to build relationships within the broader Wellesley community and to foster existing relationships within the society. We hope that by growing Agora with new members, we can continue to pass down our traditions and experiences while adding new perspectives to the society. The goal of the teaing process is to build relationships between current society members and tea-ers, and between tea-ers themselves. It is a great opportunity to meet new people within the Wellesley community who you might not otherwise get the chance to know. Through teas, we hope to get to know you as well as possible and we want you to get to know us! Teas are an opportunity for you to get better acquainted with the diverse members of Agora, and for us to get a sense of what you might be able to bring to our community.

What does teaing look like?

Teas will be hosted at the beginning of both the fall and spring semesters across 3-4 different days. You can check our social media for updates! Teas will include general socializing, a variety of snacks, and fun activities focused on getting to know each other better. The last tea will be for applicants only.

How should I prepare for teas?

The purpose of teaing is to have fun and to get to know each other, so no preparation is needed! Though our teas may be themed around political movements or figures, this is to foster the political history of the society and provide content to some of our teas, it is not a pop quiz on politics! Please feel free to wear whatever you are comfortable in, and come with an open mind to learn more about our society.


How do I apply?

Applications will be sent out after the second tea, along with more information on eligibility requirements and the due date. They will include a written component and a creative element. The application is designed for members to get to know you on a deeper level and to learn more about why you would be a good fit for the society.

How do I know if I am eligible to apply?

To be eligible to apply to the Agora society you must have spent at least one full semester enrolled as a Wellesley student and you must attend two out of the three teas.

What if I am not able to attend two teas?

We understand that our tea times may not work for everyone, and though we require that you attend two teas to be eligible to apply to Agora, we want teaing to be a stress-free experience. If you can only make half of one tea and half of another, we will count this cumulatively as one full tea. Additionally, you may have the opportunity to get meals with current members of the society in place of a tea. We encourage all who are interested in applying to attend as many teas as possible and as long as you try your best to meet this eligibility requirement, we understand your commitment to Agora.

Do I have to be a Political Science major to apply?

No! We encourage all majors to apply, and while Agora is the political society, our members come from all disciplines. There is no prerequisite for political interest, we just want to see that you are ready to engage within the society.


How can I learn more about Agora?

Follow us on Instagram, @agorasociety, and attend our fireside chats and other events throughout the semester! Feel free to ask current members your burning questions during our Open House and during teas.

Can I re-tea?

Yes! We encourage people to re-tea and commonly accept re-tears into Agora.

Do Agora members pay dues?

Agora is fully self-financed, and we do not receive any SOFC funding. This means that we are reliant on semesterly dues to fund our programming. We have a recommended dues total of $150 a semester for current members and $200 for new members. However, we recognize that this amount is not possible for all members and want to emphasize that this is the recommended amount. Obviously, you know your financial situation the best and we do not want our membership dues to serve as a barrier between members and the society. The ability to pay dues will not affect your application or standing in the society, and we allow all members to pay what they can. All questions about the financials of Agora membership should be directed toward our 2024-25 treasurer, Winnie, at